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by Julie Hood

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Seven Day Tax Plan

Welcome to the Seven Day Tax Plan from! 

Taxes are such an icky chore!  Make them easier to swallow by breaking the task into seven parts.  I've included links for you below (by the way, I'm assuming you have already accumulated your income and expenses for last year.  If not, start there and then jump into the seven-day plan!)

Many happy returns!
Julie Hood


P.S.  Want to get this plan in a daily email?  It will keep you on track and remind you each day.  You get it for only $4.95.

Seven-Day Tax Plan: Day 1
What's new? Do you need an accountant? Are you international?

Read about the changes to the tax law for this tax season

If you plan to use an accountant, get an appointment today. The following list of questions will help you evaluate the specialists.

The best place to find an accountant is through other writers and authors you know. Try to find someone who works with authors and knows the types of deductions commonly taken.

You can also use Yahoo! yellow pages (search for "accountant") and maps to find an accountant in your area:

For our international subscribers, read the US Tax Guide for
Aliens to determine if you need to file income tax on money
earned from US sources:

Yahoo! also has resources for Canada, UK, Ireland, Germany and Korea:


Seven-Day Tax Plan: Day 2
Not Sure Where to Start?

Here are two of my favorite resources:

1)  The Writer's Pocket Tax Guide online at

or get a tax guide to help you. Last  year I read Taxes for Dummies, a huge volume which tries to make the boring subject of taxes a little more fun (chapter 8 is entitled The Rest of the 1040 and Other Yucky Forms). 

2)  Tax guru, Julian Block: Tax Tips For Freelance Writers, Photographers and Artists also has an ebook for you.  The book answers those tricky freelance questions like "Can I record unpaid income as bad debts?" and "What if my 1099 includes
reimbursed expenses?" He also explains some of the 2003
tax law changes and how freelancers can use depreciation.

One of the biggest hurdles for freelancers is maintaining a
business status. Block explains what's important to
consider, how to get free help from the IRS and how to
legitimately hire your children to help with your business.

I particularly like how this book addresses some of the
most complicated issues facing freelancers today. To get
your copy, send $9.95 for an e-mailed copy or $14.95 for a
postpaid, printed copy to Julian Block, 3 Washington Sq.,
#1-G, Larchmont, NY 10538.

Seven-Day Tax Plan: Day 3
Gather Your Tax Stuff

Grab your Taxes 2003 folder (remember we made that folder back in January?) and last year's taxes. Use the following tax prep checklist to make sure you've got everything in one place:

Gather anything you are missing. At a minimum, for your writing business, you need receipts showing how much income you earned and how much you spent on expenses. You should also have records of your queries and submissions.

Seven-Day Tax Plan: Day 4
How Will You File?

If you are not using an accountant, will you do your taxes with a software or by hand? 

Or get paper copies of the necessary forms at your local library or from:

We use TurboTax, and it really cuts down on the headaches involved in math mistakes and the writing and erasing. Plus I love the interview feature that asks me questions to walk me through the return. 

Seven-Day Tax Plan: Day 5
Today's the Day

Sit down, and start entering! And plan lots of chocolate breaks. 

Read these tips to avoid an audit


Seven-Day Tax Plan: Day 6
Finish Up

Finish up today. Fill in any holes, do a final review, check your social security numbers, and make sure you sign your return.

For my final review, I put last year's return next to this year's return and compare.  Where are the numbers different?  Can I explain why?  This is an easy way to spot mistakes.

Seven-Day Tax Plan: Day 7
In the Mail

Head to the copy center, and make copies of all your important documentation.

Don't forget to file the return so you can find it back next year.

Note the following information, and stick it in your current year's tax folder. It will help with planning for next year:

Wages, Salaries, and Tips
Total income
Adjusted gross income
Taxable income
Total refund or payment

Then get your return in the mail. 

It's over  -- time to celebrate! You are way ahead of the game and will be one of the first to get a refund.


Buy the ebook now - for only $14.95! 

A and Bestseller!

Featuring two days on taxes.. Day 25, Taxes Made Easy,  and Day 26, More Taxes?!? Self-Employment and Estimated Taxes.

A key to effective writing is eliminating time-wasters -- but reading Julie Hood's The Organized Writer is definitely not a waste of time!  Each chapter gives you a day of easy-to-
accomplish tasks that are designed to turn you into a more productive, organized writer in a single month. Especially impressive are the well-thought-out forms that accompany every chapter (and every task); just print them out and you're on your way!

-- Moira Allen, and author of The Writer's Guide to Queries, Pitches and Proposals and Creative Internet Strategies to Advance Your Writing Career
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